How to cope with a „little genius” - the methods of supporting a talented child
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Poradnia Psychologiczno-Pedagogiczna Nr 9 we Wrocławiu Krakowska 102 53-110 Wrocław
Submission date: 2013-07-01
Final revision date: 2013-12-31
Acceptance date: 2013-12-31
Publication date: 2013-12-31
Corresponding author
Anna Stasiak-Przybylska   

Poradnia Psychologiczno-Pedagogiczna Nr 9 we Wrocławiu Krakowska 102 53-110 Wrocław
Wychowanie w Rodzinie 2013;8(2):239-252
During my work in a Psychological-and-Didactic Consultancy I mostly encounter children who have trouble at school or who try to attract attention of their supervisors and peers through their asocial behavior. Children who are sent to the Consultancy for diagnostic evaluation or various therapies are those whose parents and teachers worry about their academic achievements or attitude. Highly intellectual children do not fit into this pattern. Professionals working with such children mostly do not associate them with the kids who need any aid. However, an adequate approach and stimulation of specific functions may contribute to better use of their inborn potential and increase possibility of outstanding success. The present paper presents a range of talent theories based on Czesław Nosal’s theory. Subsequently, selected models describe how talents function. Further, a mechanism of creating an outstanding talent are presented on the basis of the Franz Monks’ Triadic Model of Talent. The theoretical concepts are embedded in a context of school and show a talented pupil selection process. Afterwards there is a description of workshops and trainings of creative thinking and memory techniques. Results of evaluation of the authorial workshops are presented. The present research is based on Kurt Lewin’s theory as presented by Krzysztof Konarzewski. Finaly, there is description of interesting phenomena that occurred after the talented pupil selection process took place.
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