Editorial requirements

After receiving a positive review, the paper is checked by a team of specialists in the journal “Family Upbringing”: linguistic, statistical, and thematic editors. The author of the text is obliged to make corrections according to the reviewers’ and editors’ remarks.

The editorial requirements of the Journal correspond to APA bibliographical standards. They include composition and preparation of the text, highlighting in the text, footnotes, bibliography, figures, and tables.

Text composition:

Title of research paper
Name of author
Institute, Faculty, University
Address of institution
E-mail address:

ABSTRACT (in Polish and English)
Structured abstract, min. 200, max. 250 words.

The author distinguishes the following sections:
Aim / Subject.
Methods and/or Materials.
Results and/or Conclusion.
Keywords: 5 to 8 keywords

Preparation of the text:
  • The text should be prepared in Microsoft Office Word,
  • Main text font: Times New Roman, 12 pt. Title -14 pt. bold. Subheading 12 pt. bold,
  • Margins: 2.5 cm on the top, bottom, left, and right sides of the page (default setting in Microsoft Office Word),
  • Text alignment: justified,
  • Text spacing: 1.5,
  • Paragraphs indented (size: 1.27cm),
  • Numbered pages (numbering in the upper right corner of the page),
  • Word-splitting turned off,
  • Tables and graphs with titles are placed in the text, each table should be referred to by the author in the text and discussed. There should be a source under each table. If it is the author’s study, this should also be indicated.

Distinctions in the text:

Use of italics:
  • In giving titles: books, book chapters, journals, articles, texts from websites, films, videos, TV programmes, and microfilms
  • In the bibliography: titles in main texts, titles of periodicals
  • Foreign language terms

Other distinctions in the text:
DO NOT underline, DO NOT bold

  • We do not number
  • For distinction we use hyphens as in this example
  • We pause after the enumeration before - we don’t

Inverted comma, dash, hyphen:
  • guillemet «...»
  • inverted comma “...”. We usually use inverted commas, the exception being a quotation in a quote, in which case the one in the middle is distinguished by a guillemet. Example: Smith (2015) considers “quotation «in-quote» quotation”.
  • dash – a long dash with which we mark a pause in a sentence. Example: APA standards - word processing rules.
  • hyphen – a short dash with which we connect words. Example: easy-going.

  • The first time you cite an author in the text, give the author’s full name and surname. Each subsequent time - the initial of the first name and surname. The table below shows examples of in-text references taking into account the number of authors.
  • Footnotes are given in the text! At the bottom, there are only footnotes informing about the copyright and possible explanatory, supplementary footnotes, which should be kept to a minimum!
  • Footnote composition: (Author, year, page). In the case of paraphrases, page numbers are not given.

Footnotes - additional comments:
  • Same author, different years: (Kowalski, 2015, 2016)
  • Different items are separated by a semicolon, e.g. (Kowalski, 2016; Malinowski, 2015). Sources should be arranged in alphabetical order.
  • If we refer to two different works by the author, published in the same year, we have to identify them by letter: a, b... (Kowalski, 2015a, 2015b).

  • We do not number
  • We do not divide into webography, bibliography, filmography etc.
  • Bibliographic positions should be in alphabetical order.
  • Two authors, same year:
    Kowalski, A. (2016a)………….
    Kowalski, A. (2016b)………….

Kowalski, A. (2016). Title of the book. City: Publisher.

Book chapter:
Malinowski, B. (2016). Title of the chapter. In: B. Nowak, I. Kowalska (Eds.), Title of the book (pp. 20-39). City: Publisher.

Journal paper:
Mrówkowski, O. (2016). Title of the research paper. Title of the journal, 5 3), 50-72.

Article from the website:
Dębowski, R. (2016). Title of the article. Retrieved from: website address.

ATTENTION: We do not give links alone. We always try to use as much information as possible - if there is no date, then the date of access, if there is no article title then the name of the topic, page etc.

Research paper with DOI:
Sosnowski, A., Dębowski, U. G. (2017). Title of the paper. Title of the journal, 24, 28-35. DOI: xxxxx.

Literature in a foreign language:
Titles in a language other than English should be translated and indicated next to the original in square brackets.
Smith, J. (2017). Polish title [Translated title]. City: Publisher.

ATTENTION: Titles written in an alphabet other than Latin should be transliterated. Title: „Комментарии к «Евгению Онегину» Александра Пушкина” should be written as follows:
Nabokov, V. (1999). Kommentarii k ‘Evgeniiu Oneginu’ Aleksandra Pushkina [Commentary on “Eugene Onegin” by Alexander Pushkin]. Moscow: NPK.
You can use the transliteration program here: https://www.ushuaia.pl/transliterate/

Tables and pictures
In tables, we do not give transverse edges or internal horizontal edges. The exception is separated with a horizontal line for item names or summary results. We write the word “Table” and “Figure” without abbreviations. “Figure” also refers to images, graphs, etc. As opposed to a table, the name of a drawing is underneath it.

The editor-in-chief, in consultation with the language, statistical, and thematic editors, makes the final decision on the publication and printing of the paper.
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