The journal “Family Upbringing” publishes only previously unpublished research papers that are original scientific reports (oriented in both qualitative and quantitative methodology), as well as meta-analyses. The Journal accepts papers dealing with family issues from the perspective of different scientific disciplines. The common ground of the published works is the historical and contemporary context of the widely understood triad:
family - upbringing - education.
The Journal
does not publish reviews, reports, or non-scientific reports.
As of January 2025, the journal "Family Upbringing" publishes only texts in English.
The publication procedure is divided into two stages: peer review and publication. They are subject to a two-stage fee:
for the review of the paper - this fee is not conditional on obtaining positive reviews. The fee is not refundable in the event of a negative review.
for the publication of the paper - this fee is paid by authors of papers that have received two positive reviews and are submitted to the further publication procedure.
The first stage of the publication procedure - peer review:
- Sending an article to the publisher via the submissions system - Editorial System [Submit Article]. The date of submission of the paper is the date on which the author sends the entire work, including:
- the actual text of the work in English,
- title, abstract of the work, and keywords in Polish and English,
- a bibliography prepared by APA rules,
- an anonymised version of the actual text (from which all data indicating the author of the text has been removed). - The signing of documents authorising the EDUsfera Academic Press to undertake the publication procedure. These documents include a licence agreement (it is exclusive, which means that the author is obliged to proceed with the article exclusively with the EDUsfera Academic Press. The agreement is concluded for the duration of the procedure; in the case of acceptance of the article it is replaced by a publishing agreement), a declaration of fulfilment of the criteria of publishing ethics (COPE), as well as a declaration relating to general data protection (RODO/GDPR). The signing of these documents is done through the Editorial System and is a prerequisite for the continuation of the paper’s proceedings.
- Registration of the paper. An article prepared according to the editorial guidelines, paid for, and accompanied by a licence agreement is subsequently registered and verified for anonymisation. In this anonymous form, it is verified for anti-plagiarism and peer review.
- Payment of the review fee. After registering the paper, the author is obliged to pay a review fee in the amount of:
- for texts in English - 155 EUR. The fee is paid to the publisher’s account via traditional transfer or using the Przelewy24 system available in the Editorial System. The review fee initiates further editorial work on the text. However, it is not a condition for obtaining positive reviews. - Forwarding the article for review. Detailed information is available in the “Review Procedure” tab.
- Informing the author of the result of the review procedure. The anonymised reviews and the result of the anti-plagiarism verification are communicated to the author via the Editorial System as a decision. Obtaining at least one negative review closes the publication procedure and the author is informed of the rejection of the paper by the editorial board of the journal “Family Upbringing [Wychowanie w Rodzinie]”. If at least two positive reviews are obtained, the article proceeds to the second stage of the publication procedure. In both cases, the authors are provided with the content of the review in anonymised form.
The second stage of the publication procedure – publication of the research paper:
- Payment of the publication fee. The author whose article has received at least two positive reviews is obliged to pay the publication fee:
- for texts in English - 450 EUR.
The publication fee determines further editorial work on the text, including the proofreading of the text in English, the development and preparation of graphics and diagrams, typesetting and formatting of the text, graphic design, preparation of the publication for publication in electronic form. - Author’s correction of the text. The author, whose article has received at least two positive reviews, shall make the substantive corrections indicated by the reviewers, as well as the technical and linguistic corrections indicated by the language editors, within 1 month (in the case of minor corrections) or 3 months (if major changes are necessary) upon receiving the pertinent information. The actual text of the work should be submitted in English. Each article undergoes the following reviews:
- substantive - to ensure that the corrections made are by the recommendations indicated by the reviewers and provided to the authors in anonymised reviews;
- editorial - concerning language - the author is obliged to agree with language corrections with the appropriate editor;
- technical - for correctness of footnotes and bibliography to APA standards.
If the author does not submit corrections within the specified deadline, the publisher reserves the right to terminate the editorial procedure without reimbursement of the publication fee. - Acceptance of the revised text by the editor-in-chief or deputy editor of the journal. The date on which the author’s corrections are accepted is considered the date on which the article is accepted for publication. Articles are included in subsequent volumes according to the order of receipt of the edited texts.
- Signing the publishing agreement. The publishing agreement is signed by each author or the holder of copyrights in cases where the copyright belongs to an entity other than the author under separate legal or contractual regulations. A scanned copy of the signed agreement should be sent to the EDUsfera Academic Press via the Editorial System.
- Publication of articles in the journal “Family Upbringing”. They are published in electronic version with ISSN 2300-5866. As of 2023, the electronic version is considered the original. All papers are DOI-numbered, archived on the journal’s website via the Journal System, as well as in the University of Wroclaw Repository, a także w National Library Repository, which has developed a special data security system, and other repositories with which an agreement has been signed. The articles will also be available in repositories after the eventual discontinuation of the journal “Family Upbringing”. A free non-exclusive licence is granted to make the scientific papers published in the journal available to the public in such a way that anyone can access them at a time and place of their choosing, without any restrictions (including technical limitations or security features) within the National Digital Library Polona and the Academica Digital Lending Library [Cyfrowa Wypożyczalnia Publikacji Naukowych Academica].
- Mailing of author copies. After the publication procedure has been completed, each author receives an author’s copy of an issue of the journal “Family Upbringing”, which will be sent electronically to the e-mail address indicated by the author.
- Reservation of termination of the publication procedure. The article will not be published in the event of a violation of the provisions of the Publication Ethics, in particular detection of plagiarism, infringement of third-party copyrights, as well as failure to provide the required documents, failure to pay the required fee, failure to make corrections by the deadline.