Place and responsibilities of a woman in a Catholic family as presented by the “Rodzina Polska” monthly (1927–1939)
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Katedra Historii Wychowania i Pedeutologii, Wydział Nauk o Wychowaniu, Uniwersytet Łódzki, ul. Pomorska 46/48, 91-408 Łódź, Polska
Submission date: 2018-09-19
Final revision date: 2018-12-06
Acceptance date: 2018-12-06
Publication date: 2018-12-22
Corresponding author
Grzegorz Michalski   

Katedra Historii Wychowania i Pedeutologii, Wydział Nauk o Wychowaniu, Uniwersytet Łódzki, ul. Pomorska 46/48, 91-408 Łódź, Polska
Wychowanie w Rodzinie 2018;17(1):101-115
Aim: The purpose of the work is to select, from the wide range of issues raised in the “Rodzina Polska” (“The Polish Family”) monthly published by Stowarzyszenie Misyjne Księży Pallotynów (the Missionary Association of Pallotines), an illustrated social and cultural magazine, the contents which reflect the idea of the role of a woman in a Catholic family as presented by the editors. Methods: The research on “Rodzina Polska” used the method of contents analysis. Results: The results of the analyses led to the conclusion that the magazine saw women as mothers providing care and protecting the health of their children, aware of many hazards which could disturb the development of the child. They were also recognized as the first and the most important teachers, directing their children until maturity, ensuring that religious and moral values take root, and preparing the children for their future family life. Women’s responsibilities also included running the household, which was supposed to ensure order, tidiness, peace, and harmony to all of the family members. Women’s lives did not translate only into their activities for the family. It was believed that women should be active in various organizations and associations, mainly Christian ones, and involve themselves in social work helping those who need it. It was recognized that there is a need of further education for women which would enable them to engage in a profession. Gainful employment for some wives and mothers was not opposed; on the other hand, the need for such an arrangement was well understood. Conclusions: The “Rodzina Polska” periodical treated a woman as a person who, apart from her natural responsibilities resulting from the performed functions of a caring mother and a prudent housewife, should also realize her own needs. Therefore, the editors demonstrated their favourable opinion concerning women’s social work outside their home.
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