Trustees and educational centres of Ukrainian religious communities of Galicia as a form of compensation for family education (end of XIX – the first half of XX century)
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Lwowski Uniwersytet Narodowy im. Iwana Franki Universytetska St, 1 Lviv, L'vivs'ka oblast, Ukraina, 79000
Submission date: 2014-07-01
Final revision date: 2014-08-14
Acceptance date: 2014-08-14
Publication date: 2014-08-14
Corresponding author
Iryna Myshchyshyn   

Lwowski Uniwersytet Narodowy im. Iwana Franki Universytetska St, 1 Lviv, L'vivs'ka oblast, Ukraina, 79000
Wychowanie w Rodzinie 2014;9(1):263-270
At the end of the nineteenth century – beginning of the twentieth. century thanks to complex social and historical conditions, given the lack of family education on the initiative of prominent representatives of religious congregations and the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church a system of pre-school education was developed. Due to the great work of the sisters, sister-teachers developed an original system of the harmonious raising and developing of children. Devoting themselves to the education of Ukrainian children, nuns demonstrated the effectiveness of public education and demonstrated the need for its development where there was a lack of the influence of the family and a limited educational environment.
Central’nij deržavnij ìstoričnij arhìv Ukraïni i L’vovì, f. 179, op. 5, spr. 76, а. 10–127.
Central’nij deržavnij ìstoričnij arhìv Ukraïni i L’vovì, f. 179, op. 5, spr. 146, а. 140.
Fedorovič K., Ukraïns’kì školi v Galičinì u svtlì zakonìv ì praktik, L’vìv 1924, s. 94.
Rozporâdok Mitropoličogo Ordinariâtu pro zahoronki j ditâči sadki, „Meta” 1939, nr 19.
Šematizm Vsego kliragreko-katoličeskoj èparhìï Stanìslavìvskoï na rik Božij 1930, Stanìslavìv 1930, s. 194.
Velikij A., Naris ìstorìï zgromadžennâ ss. Služebnic’ PND, Rim 1968, s. 768.
Zahoronki, „Ruslan”1897, nr 3.
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