Wives of 19th century deportees as organisers of family life in Siberia
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Uniwersytet Wrocławski Instytut Pedagogiki ul. Dawida 1 50-527 Wrocław
Submission date: 2014-07-01
Final revision date: 2014-08-14
Acceptance date: 2014-08-14
Publication date: 2014-08-14
Corresponding author
Barbara Jędrychowska   

Uniwersytet Wrocławski Instytut Pedagogiki ul. Dawida 1 50-527 Wrocław
Wychowanie w Rodzinie 2014;9(1):161-173
19th century deportations to Siberia have been one of the most painful experiences of Poles of that age and they are a permanent element of Polish history. Mostly due to the literature of Polish Romanticism, and then also of visual art, the lives of transUralian exiles has for a long time been presented only in the context of martyrdom. It was the Polish Sybiraks, returning to the homeland after many years, who have themselves changed this image. In their testimonies (memoirs, diaries, journals, letters) published back in the 19th century, one can find interesting descriptions not only of everyday struggles with the difficult reality of the deportation but also about functioning in the community of deportees and their families. As Russian law allowed the deportees to Siberia to be accompanied by their wives, some of them voluntarily went for “katorga” (deportation) or occupancy with their husbands. Most of them had decided to take their children with them. After crossing the Ural mountains they were subject to the same restrictions as were the convicts – they could return to the homeland only after their husbands have served their deportation sentences or after they had died. They strived to make their families’ lives in exile not very distinct from the life in freedom: they took care of the households, raised children, personally educated them or organised secret lessons. They prepared in their houses religious and national holidays, concerts and children’s theatres. Their giving up of a comfortable life in the homeland and the decision of a Siberian exile along with their husbands had been a part of the romantic image of the Polish woman–patriot, but it was also an expression of love and dedication for the family.
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