Family level of transferring Catholic traditions by Poles and Belarusians in Siberia
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Państwowy Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Tomsku Lenin Ave, 36, Tomsk, Tomsk Oblast, Rosja, 634050
Submission date: 2014-07-01
Final revision date: 2014-08-14
Acceptance date: 2014-08-14
Publication date: 2014-08-14
Corresponding author
Tatjana A. Gončarova   

Państwowy Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Tomsku Lenin Ave, 36, Tomsk, Tomsk Oblast, Rosja, 634050
Wychowanie w Rodzinie 2014;9(1):193-199
An important component of the upbringing of a child in a family is to join in religious values. Religious upbringing not only shapes children’s moral qualities but also provides a link between generations and contributes to the preservation of ethnic identity. Moreover, following the religious traditions in the family helps to simultaneously enter into relationships with other members of their religious community. Particular emphasis is placed on the role of family in a situation of an official prohibition of religious life, which was imposed in the USSR for a long time. At precisely that time religious upbringing became the basic means of enculturation into religious life. The subject of this investigation is the Catholic population of the Tomsk region, represented by Poles and Belarusians. These people have been living in Siberia for centuries and thanks to the confessional factor they were able to preserve their ethnic and cultural identity. In the spotlight of the study will be the following issues: keeping the religious calendar, taking part in ceremonial activities, reading religious literature, visiting temples, etc. Revealing the forms and mechanisms of supporting the Catholic tradition inthe family requires exploration of private and oral sources. Information received by the author of this paper from Polish and Belarusian populations in the Tomsk region is the basic source material of this study.
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