The Role of the Father in Childcare
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Uniwersytet Zdrowia i Pracy Socjalnej im. św. Elżbiety w Bratysławie Námestie 1. mája 1 811 02 Bratislava
Submission date: 2014-07-01
Final revision date: 2014-12-30
Acceptance date: 2014-12-30
Publication date: 2014-12-30
Corresponding author
Eva Riečicová   

Uniwersytet Zdrowia i Pracy Socjalnej im. św. Elżbiety w Bratysławie Námestie 1. mája 1 811 02 Bratislava
Wychowanie w Rodzinie 2014;10(2):375-383
The role of the modern family in child rearing is diminishing. The historical role of the fathers is changing – they were the decision makers of the family and they were the main breadwinners as well. The women were homemakers. The emancipation of women has brought their dissatisfaction with their established family role. In the case of a family problem they suddenly could choose to leave the family rather than facing the issue and searching for a solution. Today, obtaining a divorce is often faster and simpler than obtaining many other official documents. The children are those who pay the most for this regrettable situation. Even when the two people are not able to live together any more, the children have the right to have two parents. This is guaranteed by law; however, the real situation is frequently different. In Slovakia, children are usually put into the mother’s care. The reason behind this is the societal view that the mother can take care of the child better than the father. The father is the one that the child spends time with only from time to time. The parents need to realize that in the case of a relationship failure they have ended the partnership, but not the parenthood. Fortunately, there are an increasing number of fathers having not only an interest to participate more in the childcare, but also to maintain the contact with the child. We will try to examine what this situation stems from.
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