The Educational Responsibilities of Mothers in Catholic Families in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries According to the Silesian Journal “Family”
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Uniwersytet Łódzki Wydział Nauk o Wychowaniu ul. Pomorska nr 46/48 91-408 Łódź
Submission date: 2014-07-01
Final revision date: 2014-12-30
Acceptance date: 2014-12-30
Publication date: 2014-12-30
Corresponding author
Iwonna Michalska   

Uniwersytet Łódzki Wydział Nauk o Wychowaniu ul. Pomorska nr 46/48 91-408 Łódź
Wychowanie w Rodzinie 2014;10(2):159-175
The magazine “Family” was an appendix to the journal “Catholic” published in Bytom and targeted at the Polish inhabitants of Upper Silesia. Analysis of thirty years of issues of this publication from the years 1885–1916 showed that the main intention of the editors was to raise mothers’ awareness of the duties that they had to complete in relation to their own offspring. Hence, the opinion, frequently used in relation to women, that their vocation was to “take care of” children, was given a clearer and deeper meaning. It was not only meant to provide the youngest members of the family with the basics for living, but above all, it was supposed to provide activities, designed to shape the so-called good man, guided by the Christian morality in life. Maternal duties towards their children related in the first place to the creation of an appropriate educational climate in a family environment characterized by internal peace and order. Ensuring favourable conditions for domestic life was conducive to the implementation of specific tasks that were recommend to be started in relation to a small child, from care activities, including compliance with the rules of hygiene and health. The next stages of educational work was not limited to custody of the introduction of religion, the inculcation of moral standards, but it also involved teaching everyday culture, care of school education and the introduction into the world of books. It was specified that female children required special care.
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Piwowarski K., Historia Śląska, Wydawnictwo Instytutu Śląskiego, Katowice – Wrocław 1947.
„Rodzina” 1885–1915.
Sokół Z., Czasopisma dla kobiet na Śląsku w latach 1876–1939, „Rocznik Prasoznawczy” 2013, nr 7.
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