The Life of Lodz Families in the Time of Economic Crises in the 1930s. presented by „Ilustrowana Republika” Journal
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Submission date: 2016-07-01
Final revision date: 2016-12-31
Acceptance date: 2016-12-31
Publication date: 2016-12-31
Corresponding author
Iwonna Michalska   

Katedra Historii Wychowania i Pedeutologii, Wydział Nauk o Wychowaniu, Uniwersytet Łódzki, ul. Pomorska 46/48, 91-408 Łódź, Polska
Wychowanie w Rodzinie 2016;14(2):195-208
The „Ilustrowana Republika” journal issued in Lodz in the inter-war period mainly concentrated on local and national topics of political, social, economic, and cultural problems. The reconstruction of the contents has enabled the presentation and recreation of the conditions of existence of Lodz residents during the years of the great economic crises. The industrial character of Lodz had influenced the inhabitants’ activity. They worked in textile factories. In the times of unprofitable business conditions factory-owners restricted, and later seriously reduced the number of employees. Mass unemployment was the source of the tough economic situation for working-class families,and others. The lack of work and enormously high prices multiplied the range of poverty. The process of eviction due to rent arrears, selling of previously gathered goods, the expulsion of children form school because of delays in school-fee payment, misunderstandings and family conflicts became much more common and intensive. The growth of economic suicides, begging, and child demoralization (thefts, prostitution, and alcohol consumption) was easily noticed. In spite of the help provided by many municipal and civic committees these efforts were not sufficient to protect many families from a state of extreme poverty.
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