Educational Conditions for (Self-)Development of Children’s Resistance to Consumerism in the Family
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Šiauliai University 84 Vytauto St., LT-76352 Šiauliai
Submission date: 2014-07-01
Final revision date: 2014-12-30
Acceptance date: 2014-12-30
Publication date: 2014-12-30
Corresponding author
Audronė Juodaitytė
Šiauliai University 84 Vytauto St., LT-76352 Šiauliai
Wychowanie w Rodzinie 2014;10(2):225-237
The article presents the results of the research on the development of 6–7 year old children’s resistance to consumerism in the family, conducted in 2012–2013. The research was conducted combining qualitative and quantitative methods of research. The method of interviews with the child and parents’ survey was applied. The research investigated the situation of the development of children’s resistance to consumerism in the family, disclosed children’s consumerism experience, which includes children’s knowledge of places of trade and their visits to them, children’s knowledge about the assortment of products, brands and the main providers of knowledge about consumption and consumerism for children, namely family members, peers and the media. The article also presents the analysis of children’s knowledge of advertising, children’s perceptions about TV advertising and their attitudes to it. Based on research results, educational conditions that are important for development of 6–7 year old children’s resistance to consumerism are distinguished.
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Available at EBSCO Publishing [accessed on: 21.08.2013].
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