Motherhood during studies in the opinion of female pedagogy students – research report
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Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego, Wydział Pedagogiki, Chodkiewicza 30, 85-064 Bydgoszcz, Polska
Submission date: 2023-05-11
Final revision date: 2023-07-27
Acceptance date: 2023-07-27
Publication date: 2023-11-10
Corresponding author
Ewa Krause   

Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego, Wydział Pedagogiki, Chodkiewicza 30, 85-064 Bydgoszcz, Polska
Wychowanie w Rodzinie 2023;30(1):213-231
Introduction. Motherhood is experienced by women of different ages and different life situations. One such situation is being a student. Although the age of entering the role of a mother is delayed, a considerable percentage of pregnant students and studying mothers can be observed at universities. Aim. The aim of this article is to present selected results of two preliminary (pilot) studies on the perception of motherhood during studies, including student-mothers and pregnant students from the perspective of women studying pedagogy. The aim of this research was to find out their opinions on student motherhood. Material and methods. The study used the diagnostic survey method, in which the questionnaire technique was used. The surveyed population consisted of 199 students of pedagogy at various universities in Poland. Results. The results of the presented research revealed that a rather positive perception of motherhood prevails during studies at universities of female respondents; that the favorable attitude of lecturers/academic teachers and the student body to studying mothers and pregnant students prevails. Students of pedagogy notice both positive and negative aspects of motherhood during their studies and the difficulties associated with it. As the most common reason for becoming a mother while studying, they point to unplanned motherhood. Conclusions. The presented analyzes show a positive perception of studying mothers and pregnant students, which may be conducive to making procreative decisions while studying. Nevertheless, reconciling these roles at the same time is challenging and difficult. Therefore, women who decide to become mothers during their studies and student-mothers should be supported – in this context, the university support is also important, manifested, among other things, in the generally attitude of the entire university environment. It is important to introduce and develop solutions that support them (or student parents in general).
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