The problems of psychosocial functioning and professional support of children from internally displaced families in Ukraine
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Department of Social Policy, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University in Kiev, Pyrohova str. 9, 01601 Ukraina
Instytut Nauk Pedagogicznych, Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Uniwersytet Opolski, Oleska 48, 45-052 Opole, Polska
Submission date: 2018-10-17
Final revision date: 2018-11-04
Acceptance date: 2018-11-04
Publication date: 2019-06-30
Corresponding author
Alla Yaroshenko   

Department of Social Policy, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University in Kiev, Pyrohova str. 9, 01601 Ukraina
Wychowanie w Rodzinie 2019;20(1):31-40
Aim: The paper presents dilemmas concerning children from families of immigrants in Ukraine, where the main problem is the aspect of psychosocial functioning in the environment. Methods: The article was written based on the text analysis. Results: The directions of actions aimed at stimulating the child’s development by providing psychological help in educational institutions or social service centres for the family, children and youth were described, as well as directions of support for raising a child in the family environment. The shortcomings and advantages of these projects are presented, both at the state and local levels. Conclusions: It was postulated to create a program presenting solutions to the main problems of displaced children and to create a unified institution that would only deal with issues of child migrants and the provision of social services to solve problems related to the socialization and education of children. This task should be a priority objective of Ukrainian state policy.
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