The article concerns the issue of entrepreneurship as a key competence and the role of the family in its formation in preschool and early school age children.
The aim: The aim of the study was the preliminary diagnosis of the family as a space for developing children’s entrepreneurship competence. Research questions were posed: what is the awareness of parents of pre-school and early-school children regarding the development of entrepreneurship competences of their children, and whether and what actions aimed at developing this competence are
undertaken by parents.
Method: The research was carried out based on the diagnostic survey method using the online survey technique.
Results: Based on the analysis of the results, it was concluded that the parents surveyed were aware of the development of entrepreneurship competences of their children, as well as about the activities they undertake in this area in
their families. The respondents do not limit the essence of entrepreneurial to the narrow economic and financial approach, they are aware that an entrepreneurship person should be characterized by soft competences, they are also convinced that the family is an important space for developing this competence and create for their own children situations that favor its development, although there are noticeable differences in the level of this awareness.
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