Cooperation of parents with Polish schools of native subjects in London
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Departament of Education and Upbringing Protection, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Branch in Piotrkow Trybunalski [Zakład Edukacji i Profilaktyki Wychowania, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach], Słowackiego 114/118, 97-300 Piotrkow Trybunalski, Poland
Submission date: 2021-12-06
Final revision date: 2022-03-15
Acceptance date: 2022-03-15
Publication date: 2022-07-25
Corresponding author
Olga Zamecka-Zalas   

Zakład Edukacji i Profilaktyki Wychowania, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, Filia w Piotrkowie Trybunalskim, Słowackiego 114/118, 97-300 Piotrków Trybunalski, Polska
Wychowanie w Rodzinie 2022;27(2):145-156
Introduction. In the parental upbringing of a child, shaping its personality and comprehensive development is the goal of parents who consciously and rationally bring up their children in immigrant conditions and the goal of every mother tongue school in Great Britain. Both the assumptions and educational plans of parents and the school are based on close cooperation. The research topic of this article concerns the forms of cooperation between parents and schools of Polish native subjects in London in the field of parental upbringing of a child. Aim. The aim of the article is to present various forms of cooperation between parents and Polish schools (supplementary/Saturday/community etc.) of the mother tongue in London and to show the role of parents in bringing up children in the Polish culture and tradition. Materials and methods. In order to implement the research problem, the method of document analysis and the method of analysis and criticism of the literature were used. Results. The result of the research is the presentation of various forms of cooperation between parents and Polish schools of native subjects in London, among others such as management and operation of the facility and the activities of Parent Circles. Showing the role of parents and their involvement in the native education of the young generation of Poles, who live in the English society, but know their origin, language, history, and geography, and are proud of their Polish roots. Conclusion. The cooperation of parents with Polish schools of native subjects was, and still is, a particularly important element of the native upbringing of a Polish child. Parents engage in the activities of Polish Saturday schools through various forms of cooperation that relate to managing the facility as well as engaging in the activities of the Parent’s Committee: in the organization of school academies, entertainment for children, events, trips, and fundraising for the maintenance of Saturday schools.
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