English: a neutral language of global communication? Sociopedagogical implications
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UNESCO Janusz Korczak Chair in Social Pedagogy, The Maria Grzegorzewska University [Katedra Pedagogiki Społecznej im. Janusza Korczaka UNESCO, Akademia Marii Grzegorzewskiej], Szczęśliwicka 40, 02-353 Warszawa, Poland
Submission date: 2022-03-06
Final revision date: 2022-05-10
Acceptance date: 2022-05-10
Publication date: 2022-07-25
Corresponding author
Anna Odrowąż-Coates   

Katedra Pedagogiki Społecznej im. Janusza Korczaka UNESCO, Akademia Marii Grzegorzewskiej, Szczęśliwicka 40, 02-353 Warszawa, Polska
Wychowanie w Rodzinie 2022;27(2):157-165
Introduction. English, as a language of global communication, has become an element of social status and therefore connected to the issues of inclusion and exclusion. Within privileged social groups, its position has changed from a foreign language to a second language, which demonstrates a linguistic shift with long-term consequences. Aim. The aim is to capture the cultural and individual implications of the observed phenomenon reported in Poland and Portugal. Materials and methods. The methodological framework is based on institutional ethnography. It is accompanied by the concept of “soft power” and “positioning theory”. Results. The research results indicate that English can be seen as a new tool for social stratification with an effect on language policies, impacting people’s lives and their opportunities. Whilst critical of the neoliberal, neo-colonial and imperialistic dimensions of English language hegemony, the author captures an original gender perspective on English as a language of opportunity, inclusion, and empowerment.
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