Adapting immigrants’ children to the new socio-cultural reality
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The Academy of Management and Administration in Opole [Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Administracji w Opolu], Niedziałkowskiego 18,
45-058 Opole, Poland
Hephata Children‘s Residential Group in Diez, Unter dem Hain 3, 65582 Diez, Germany
Submission date: 2022-06-03
Final revision date: 2022-07-15
Acceptance date: 2022-07-15
Publication date: 2022-07-25
Corresponding author
Zenon Jasiński
Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Administracji w Opolu, Niedziałkowskiego 18, 45-058
Opole, Polska
Wychowanie w Rodzinie 2022;27(2):45-61
Introduction. Adapting immigrants and their children to the socio-cultural reality is related
to the relocation of individuals and groups who settle in another country. The ability to
function in new conditions requires adapting to them and integrating with the host community.
States are interested in including new citizens in the mainstream of their societies.
However, this requires a lot of thoughtful actions and the establishment of institutions and
organizations that will be focused on the integration of immigrants with society in the
country of settlement.
Objective. The aim of the article is to analyse the process of adapting immigrant children
to the new socio-cultural reality.
Materials and methods. The study uses the method of analysing and comparing models of
the functioning of adaptation processes in three countries (Poland, Germany, and Sweden).
Results. In the studied countries, the adaptation of immigrant children to new living conditions
is organized on the basis of intercultural education. It is conducted mainly in schools,
foster care institutions, and non-governmental organizations.
Conclusions. Adaptation of immigrant children and its effectivity depends on the tradition
of admitting immigrants, expectations connected with it, and the amount of immigration
in the given country.
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