The first months of a blind or visually impaired child’s life are particularly important from the point of view of their comprehensive rehabilitation. Experience shows that there are certain psychological barriers that make it difficult for
parents to work effectively with the child during that period.
The aim: The article focuses on the feelings of guilt and shame that parents feel when they learn that their child cannot see. A closer look at these emotions makes it possible to identify similarities and significant differences.
Method: The article was based on an analysis of the literature on the subject.
Results: When a person feels shame, his attention is turned inward. At the
same time, he experiences other unpleasant feelings, such as helplessness and hopelessness. The attention is focused in this case on one’s whole self, contrarily to the feeling of guilt in which case the attention focuses only on the behaviours that may reduce negative emotions and save him from total defeat.
Conclusions: Detailed knowledge on the specific nature of shame and guilt may be helpful in developing support strategies for parents of visually impaired children as part of the early development support and in preventing secondary effects of visual impairment.
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