Family and family education model in parish press of Great Poland in 2nd Polish Republic: „Tygodnik Parafji Zbąszynskiej” example
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Instytut Pedagogiki, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, J.W. Dawida 1,50-527 Wrocław, Polska
Submission date: 2011-04-01
Final revision date: 2011-06-30
Acceptance date: 2011-06-30
Publication date: 2011-06-30
Corresponding author
Mirosław Piwowarczyk   

Instytut Pedagogiki, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, J.W. Dawida 1,50-527 Wrocław, Polska
Wychowanie w Rodzinie 2011;2(2):81-104
Local press played a significant role in 2nd Polish Republic both from the perspective if state administration, territorial autonomies, political parties and the expectations of wide social environments and local communities. It fulfilled the need of information on the social, political, educational, cultural and economical life of specific environments. It also worked as a tool in propaganda and political agitation, it familiarized ideologies of political parties and expressed views and idea of local communities. It played an important part in local economy life; it educated and actively took part in popularization of interests in regional issues. Local press was both: a mirror of contemporary social relations, political and national divisions and the important agent in initiatives such as cultural events. It registered and pictured life of the town and its area citizens, gave pedagogical impact on the young generation by giving them patterns and forms of positive social actions, popularized specific ideologies, educational concepts, patterns of behavior, it created and influenced the local communities attitudes and actions. Its role was especially visible in Great Poland, where local press helped in creation of socio-cultural life in small towns and education. In the group of magazines that specifically influenced local communities cultural character and had an important educational impact we should ( ) include the parish press. Parish magazines in many cases played a role of the local community press. Beside the information on the church and parish community problems they included a lot of news from the life of the town and its area; they constituted a chronicle of local community events and also propagated precise world-view and coherent with it concepts oft. It was a case in Zbąszyń, were was published. played a sagnificant educational role in its environment. It propagated a homogenus, stright forward perspective (concept) of education, coherent with social teaching of catholic chuch and ideology of nationalist parties. Magazine often published articles on social pedagogy, citizenship, patriotic, religious, moral and family education in “the spirit of catholic and national values”. With great passion magazine propagated catholic model of family, specific rules of family life, patterns of family, education, wife and mother, husband and father, children, ideal of good Polish woman and house wife, ideal of good Polish man, husband and father. Specific roles and tasks were associated with them, obligations of parents towards children were also expressed. Very often articles included advises and canceling on mother-children relationship. There were attempts of creation of positive attitudes of children towards parents based on the use of examples. There were also articles stressing the meaning and significance of shared responsibility and actions of school and home in education towards child benefit. Most of the articles published in had a didactic, ideologist and moralizing character it was a tool for fulfillment of specific goals of “spiritual powers”. Despite that kind of single-tract perspective on educational issues magazine gained a wide popularity and respect within local community of Zbąszyń and its area. Presented attitude remained coherent with politically and morally (religiously) educated community and simply mirrored ideas shared by the majority of citizens. There is no doubt tat it played a significant role in construction of specific cultural character of Zbąszyń in the Interwar Period and education of its citizens.
„Tygodnik Parafji Zbąszyńskiej”, nr 1, 10, 11, 28-29, 32-33, 34, 44, 50, 51/1932.
„Tygodnik Parafji Zbąszyńskiej”, nr 1, 2, 13, 14, 15, 21, 30, 37/1938.
„Tygodnik Parafji Zbąszyńskiej”, nr 1, 2, 19, 37, 38, 40, 41, 43,45/1936.
„Tygodnik Parafji Zbąszyńskiej”, nr 1, 2, 4, 13, 19, 22, 25/1931.
„Tygodnik Parafji Zbąszyńskiej”, nr 1, 24, 34/1934.
„Tygodnik Parafji Zbąszyńskiej”, nr 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18/1933.
„Tygodnik Parafji Zbąszyńskiej”, nr 3, 5, 7, 8, 10/1937.
„Tygodnik Parafji Zbąszyńskiej”, nr 4/1939.
„Tygodnik Parafji Zbąszyńskiej”, nr 8, 22, 27-28, 40/1935.
Katalog Prasowy„Para”1938/1939, Rocznik XI.
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