Single parenthood according to mothers
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Instytut Pedagogiki i Psychologii, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego, ul. Krakowska 11, 25-029 Kielce, Polska
Submission date: 2018-08-29
Final revision date: 2018-11-28
Acceptance date: 2018-11-28
Publication date: 2018-12-22
Corresponding author
Anna Róg   

Instytut Pedagogiki i Psychologii, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego, ul. Krakowska 11, 25-029 Kielce, Polska
Wychowanie w Rodzinie 2018;17(1):381-397
Aim: The article concerns the analysis of mothers's opinion regarding single parenthood. The significant purpose of the research was the attempt to find the answer to the question how single mothers perceive their parenthood, how they assess their situation and what kind of difficulties concerning single upbringing of a child and running a household they indicate. Methods: The research based on diagnostic survey method and a questionnaire were conducted within the group of 153 women. Results: The article presents results of the research concerning the economic situation of one-parent families and problems and difficulties resulting from singlemotherhood. Free comments of respondents concerning single parenthood are supplement information to the article. These comments were arranged according to categories which prove how single mothers perceive their life situation. These opinions were divided into the following categories: single motherhood as the source of financial problems and renunciations, single motherhood as the source of social discrimination and problems concerning insufficient assistance provided to mothers, single motherhood as no father's support, single motherhood by choice, single motherhood as the challenge and happiness. Conclusions: According to the conducted research the following conclusions have been reached: single mothers lack the relevant support adjusted to their own real needs and the needs of their families. The research presented in this article has not been completed, yet. Still, the inquiries are being conducted, the purpose of which is to extend the knowledge regarding existence of single-mother families and to develop the methods of assistance which will provide women with support so that their life and independent decisions concerning themselves and their children would not be interrupted.
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