Orphanages run by nuns in Druga Rzeczpospolita (The Second Republic of Poland – Poland between 1918-1939). An outline of the history of foster care (outside the family) in Poland
Child foster care organized by nuns and meant for children deprived of infamily upbringing dates back as far as the 13 century. The prototypes of orphanages
run by nuns were medieval hospitals, that is care institutions for all those in need.
The beginnings of care/educational work with orphaned and abandoned children
are connected with the activity of The Holy Spirit de Saxia male congregation, whose
members were called “duchaki” in Poland. Since the 16 century the members of the
Sisters of Mercy and Sisters of Charity congregations have specialized in institutional
foster care. In nationally sovereign Druga Rzeczpospolita orphanages run by nuns
were numerous and they were characterized by relative financial stability, the continuity of educational processes and creativity in finding new solutions to be used in the
work with the children who were cared for.
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