Restorative justice in children’s and adolescent’s social and educational space
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Institute of Pedagogy, Faculty of Historical and Pedagogical Sciences, University of Wrocław [Instytut Pedagogiki, Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych, Uniwersytet Wrocławski], Dawida 1, 50-527 Wrocław, Poland.
Submission date: 2022-03-02
Final revision date: 2022-07-15
Acceptance date: 2022-07-15
Publication date: 2022-07-25
Corresponding author
Honorata Czajkowska   

Instytut Pedagogiki, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Dawida 1, 50-527 Wrocław, Polska.
Wychowanie w Rodzinie 2022;27(2):83-94
Introduction. This paper focuses on the aspects of restorative actions in the school, especially in the context of its resonance to the social environment. The article refers to the restorative school - what it is, the definitions and what kinds of restorative programs and practices are worthy of implementation in schools. In addition to the aspects of education, this article refers to municipal activities in the field of restorative justice (using the example of Wrocław, the first restorative city in Poland). Aim. The aim of the article is to present the issues of the restorative school, restorative justice, restorative practices and programs and their effectiveness in the field of education and urban space. Materials and methods. This article uses the analysis of documents and reviews the literature and research in the area of the restorative school. Results and conclusion. The implementation of the principles of restorative justice and building a restorative culture in schools increases the effectiveness of building a restorative educational and social space and civil society.
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