A socio-cultural approach to the importance of community spirit for the elderly in Lithuania
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Institute of Educational Sciences and Social Work, Faculty of Human and Social Studies, Mykolas Romeris University, Ateities 20, 08303 Vilnius, Lithuania
Submission date: 2021-12-16
Final revision date: 2022-01-21
Acceptance date: 2022-01-21
Publication date: 2022-03-31
Corresponding author
Jautrė Ramutė Šinkūnienė   

Institute of Educational Sciences and Social Work, Faculty of Human and Social Studies, Mykolas Romeris University, Ateities 20, 08303 Vilnius, Lithuania
Wychowanie w Rodzinie 2022;26(1):91-104
Aim. Social care institutions in Lithuania meet the major physical needs of elderly people in Lithuania; however, the psychological, social, and emotional aspects can often get neglected. The aim of the article is to fi nd a theoretical solution to the problem of satisfying the community needs of the Elderly at long-term inpatient care institutions. Methods. The article uses theoretical methods of reviewing, analyzing and summarizing the scientifi c literature to reveal the following problematic issues: What is the meaning of community spirit for the elderly in social care institutions? How Socio-cultural activities can strengthen the sense of community in care homes for seniors? Results. The results of the study revealed that a sense of community and safe emotional bonds in care institutions are especially important for psychosocial health and strong social ties for elderly. Socio-cultural work in communities is not only concerned with people’s social well-being and their most basic needs. It also involves interpersonal interaction between seniors of the community, helping with their self-realization, sharing common spiritual values - trust, gratitude, and respect - for a full sense of life. Conclusion. Community spirit can be strengthened by the socio-cultural traditions at the institution, the opportunities for self-expression stem from artistic activities, participation in self-education, and cultural events. The role of social workers is important, especially in motivating and involving people with greater health constraints to participate more actively in community life, ensuring equal opportunities for a full, high quality, and dignifi ed old age.
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