Aim: Modern marriages are concluded based on much greater freedom in perceiving
marriage as a social obligation, autonomy of both partners and – to the largest extent
– they form a legalized relationship preconditioned by emotional needs. Similar
characteristics are part of cohabitation, with the exception of its formalization in the legal
Methods: The author of the article strives to illustrate the similarities and differences
between cohabitation and marriage without attempting to assess which of these
relationships is more valuable.
Results: The author of the article presents and discusses theoretical assumptions,
legal regulations and models of cohabitation and marriage. Differences and similarities
between marriage and cohabitation were shown.
Conclusions: In the opinion of the author of the article, reflections on the superiority
of marriage to cohabitation are not justified.
Such an evaluation is stymied by many factors. One of them is the lack of precise
definition of a consensual relationship, what its time frames are, what the issue of parenthood
looks like in it, what is the division of home duties etc.
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