Selected aspects of bilingualism in people with autism spectrum disorder – a review of research
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Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego, Wydział Pedagogiki i Psychologii, Krakowska 11, 25-029 Kielce, Polska
Przedszkole Samorządowe nr 19 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi w Kielcach, Na Stoku 98, 25-437 Kielce, Polska
Submission date: 2024-08-19
Acceptance date: 2024-10-17
Online publication date: 2024-10-18
Publication date: 2024-12-09
Corresponding author
Justyna Cecylia Świerczyńska   

Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego, Wydział Pedagogiki i Psychologii, Krakowska 11, 25-029 Kielce, Polska
Wychowanie w Rodzinie 2024;31(2):335-354
Introduction. The process of developing language skills in a child is an important topic. Speech is crucial as a means of communication, the main purpose of which is to influence the intellectual development and fulfilment of the child’s psychological needs. An undisturbed process of shaping communication largely indicates the proper development of the child in terms of both physical and mental health and proper social relations. The characteristics of language and the specificity of communication of people with autism spectrum disorders may differ, which will depend on the age of the child and the severity of the disorder. Research indicates that about one in four children with autism spectrum disorders (AS D) are raised in a bilingual environment. Aim. This work refers to the broad issue of communication disorders in the context of bilingualism in children, with particular emphasis on research on autism spectrum disorders. The first part of the work discusses the specificity of speech disorders occurring in people with autism spectrum disorders, while the second part of the article focuses on the phenomenon of bilingualism, presenting the latest research in this area. Methods and materials. The article presents a theoretical approach based on the analysis of source materials from Polish and foreign publications. Results. This study suggests that all children, including those with AS D, can become bilingual, and that bilingualism in itself does not impede language development. Moreover, according to current data, bilingualism has a very positive effect on creativity, expanding access to information, alternative ways of thinking about the world, and the development of creative thinking in children. It is therefore worth continuing research on the impact of bilingualism on people with autism spectrum disorder. Research in this area can contribute to a better understanding and support of people with ASD.
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