About the succession in the royal family. Literary image of disability in the historical and legal context (Joe Abercrombie Half a King from the Shattered Sea series)
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Institute of Linguistics and Literary Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce [Instytut Literaturoznawstwa i Językoznawstwa, Wydział Humanistyczny, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach], Żeromskiego 5, 25-369 Kielce, Poland
Department of Criminal Law, Criminology and Forensics, Faculty of Law and Social Science, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce [Instytut Nauk Prawnych, Wydział Prawa i Nauk Społecznych, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach], Zeromskiego 5, 25-369 Kielce, Poland
Submission date: 2020-01-01
Final revision date: 2020-06-30
Acceptance date: 2020-06-30
Publication date: 2020-06-30
Corresponding author
Marta Bolińska   

Instytut Literaturoznawstwa i Językoznawstwa, Wydział Humanistyczny, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, Żeromskiego 5, 25-369 Kielce, Polska
Patryk Zieliński   

Instytut Nauk Prawnych, Wydział Prawa i Nauk Społecznych, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, Żeromskiego 5, 25-369 Kielce, Polska
Wychowanie w Rodzinie 2020;22(1):173-188
Introduction. The article presents the issue of disability from the literary and legal perspective. The authors take into consideration the issue of disability as a social phenomenon, which is an inseparable element of every environment and culture, as well as the subject of compelling research. An important thread of the article is the transformation of the perception of disability perception throughout the centuries. Joe Abercrombie’s Shattered Sea trilogy serves as a concrete example of its presence. The sketch also revolves around the issue of changes in the perception and treatment of people with disabilities, as well as the introduction of regulations and social education which are to serve as means to provide people with disabilities with equal opportunities in order to function in the society. Aim. The aim of the article is to present the image of people with disabilities in prose addressed to young readers, taking into consideration the context of the disability studies as well as legal regulations. Materials and methods. The article is descriptive and analytical; it applies tools characteristic of the work of the philologist (including text explication, children’s studies, disability studies) as well as that of a lawyer (literature study, document analysis). Results. The analysis of the sources as well as observations and research show that the openness to the needs of people with disabilities and education in this area are progressively increasing, also through literature.
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