Performing the professional role by teachers with experiences of reversing roles in the family
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Zakład Pedagogiki Ogólnej, Instytut Pedagogiki, Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, J. W. Dawida 1, 50-527 Wrocław, Polska
Publication date: 2019-12-31
Corresponding author
Wiktor Żłobicki   

Zakład Pedagogiki Ogólnej, Instytut Pedagogiki, Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, J. W. Dawida 1, 50-527 Wrocław, Polska
Wychowanie w Rodzinie 2019;21(2):301-314
Aim. It is indicated that there is a relationship between the experience of parentification, i.e., the reversal of roles in the family, and the effects of relational trauma resulting from parentification, and the nature of professional work related to broadly understood helping. Research confirms that people choosing, for example, the profession of a teacher, doctor, psychologist, psychotherapist, or nurse – have often experienced parentification in their family of origin. The aim of the article is to draw attention to possible disruptions in fulfilling the professional role by teachers who experienced role reversal in the family in their childhood. Methods. Analysis of Polish and foreign scientific texts. Results. The experience of parentification may be a predictor of disturbances in fulfilling the teacher’s professional role. Taking into account the social importance of the education system, it seems necessary to undertake representative empirical analyzes on the effects of parentification in fulfilling the professional role of teachers and, consequently, undertaking psychoeducational activities.
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