Formy pomocy dziecku i rodzinie w strukturach samorządowych
Karkonoska Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa w Jeleniej Górze, Lwówecka 18, 58-503 Jelenia Góra, Polska
Data nadesłania: 01-10-2011
Data ostatniej rewizji: 31-12-2011
Data akceptacji: 31-12-2011
Data publikacji: 31-12-2011
Autor do korespondencji
Elżbieta Zieja   

Karkonoska Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa w Jeleniej Górze, Lwówecka 18, 58-503 Jelenia Góra, Polska
Wychowanie w Rodzinie 2011;4(4):229-236
The problem of development of the forms of help being given to a child and family by local governments has been attracting the society's attention in Poland since the beginning of the 1990 s. The analyzed forms of family and child in local communities is only a certain element of the whole care and educational system aimed at achieving European standards. Short statistics of the described reports of the Ministry of Work and Social Politics and the data of Santa Claus Fund have allowed the author to look into the development of these kinds of help operating in local communities over last decade. Describing the tasks of parish and district councils can differentiate after the legislator the most significant forms of care and support for families in children such as protected flats, specialized family guidance, special centers for families in crisis, day care homes, educational centers, community centers, social and therapeutic centers and clubs. The reformed system of child and family care in Poland is based on the development of family support and preventive actions that correspond with the international law and good practice standards and the main stream of changes in the countries- members of the European Union. The proposed contents are to get people acquainted with the issues of care, upbringing, support and professional assistance for a child and family in their environment.
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